European Sustainable Solution ApS is one of the first project types and a centre to the circular economy through a revolutionary technology that is capable of mechanically converting organic manure/waste into bio pulp and does 100% recycling of wastages. We work with zero waste management system principles in all our areas of development through Danish and European technology to ensure on-time completion and smooth running. Our system is designed to efficiently get rid of organic waste which is further processed into a feed hopper and after that waste is mixed with water to quickly dissolve the mixture into a mesh-like substance called bio pulp and operates under stringent international standards to produce bio pulp that can be further used for many applications to not face any kind of shortages in the future by the society.

A consequential part of household wastages can be recycled and used as organic “energy soup” (bio-pulp) for degassing at biogas plants. The bio pulp from food waste is used to create sustainable energy and a safe environment. The technology to separate waste from food and organic material developed by us is trying to find the best possible solutions in the market and further the biogas plants can be optimized.

To cultivate the organic part of the household waste it is sent through a feeder hopper where large amounts of water are added to mix the organic material from the plastic and other materials. The wet substance is then called bio pulp and is very expensive to transport and dispose of or send to incineration and we have the perfect solution for it also to produce biofuel, bioprotein, jetfuel and converting waste into electricity, as well as generating electricity and other renewable methods.

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